Script sökes!


Tjenare! :)

Jag söker lite script till mitt lirande :)

jag söker följande:

* Duck Script
* Fejk Script
* Fördelning av Resurserna bland byarna.
* Byggnads Script

Ps. Bygg Off & Bygg Deff script också! :)
Samt hur alla script funkar! Detta skulle sitta KANON! :)

Ja! De va väl de! :)

Mvh Voip

Goblin thor

Vinnare av Värld 5
Duck script är olagligt, vet inte om det finns byggnadsscript.

javascript:var D=document;if(window.frames.length>0)D=window.main.document;url=D.URL;if(url.indexOf('screen=info_player')==-1){alert('Goto Player Information 1st!');end();}var tds=D.getElementsByTagName("TD");var K=new Array();for(var idx=0;idx<100;idx++)K[idx]=new Array();var C=new Array();for(var idx=0;idx<tds.length;idx++){var xy=tds[idx].innerHTML;if(/^\d+\|\d+$/.test(xy)){C.push(xy);var xys=xy.split('|');K[Math.floor(parseInt(xys[0])/100)+Math.floor(parseInt(xys[1])/100)*10].push(xy);}}C=C.join(' ');var prefix='<textarea cols=80 rows=10>javascript:coords=\'';var postfix='\';var doc=document;if(window.frames.length>0)doc=window.main.document;url=doc.URL;if(url.indexOf(\'screen=place\')==-1)alert(\'This script needs to be run from the rally point\');coords=coords.split(\' \');index=Math.round(Math.random()*(coords.length-1));coords=coords[index];coords=coords.split(\'|\');doc.forms[0].x.value=coords[0];doc.forms[0].y.value=coords[1];insertUnit(doc.forms[0].spy,0);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].spy,1);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].ram,0);insertUnit(doc.forms[0].ram,1);void(0)</textarea><br><br>';var S='<b>TW Fake Script Generator v0.2</b><hr>Whole Villages:<br>'+prefix+C+postfix;for(var idx=0;idx<100;idx++)if(K[idx].length>0){var Ks=K[idx].join(' ');S+='<br><br>K'+idx+' Villages:<br>'+prefix+Ks+postfix;}var'about:blank','twfg','width=640,height=480,scrollbars=1');'text/html','replace');popup.document.write(S);popup.document.close();void(0)

javascript: var configuration = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; var archers = true; var units; var unitsNET; var costs; function arrayMin(array) { var value = array[0]; for (var t = 1; t < array.length; t++) { if (array[t] < value) { value = array[t]; } } return value; } function linearDivideArray(array1, array2) { var value = []; if (array1.length == array2.length) { for (var t = 0; t < array1.length; t++) { if (array2[t] != 0) { value[t] = array1[t] * 1.0 / array2[t]; } else { value[t] = 0; } } } return value; } function linearAddArray(array1, array2) { var value = []; if (array1.length == array2.length) { for (var t = 0; t < array1.length; t++) { value[t] = array1[t] + array2[t]; } } return value; } function getUnitId(unit) { for (var t = 0; t < units.length; t++) { if (unit == unitsNET[t]) { return t; } } return -1; } function getQueue(record) { var value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var u = 3; u < record.cells.length; u++) { try { value[u - 3] = parseInt(record.cells.childNodes[1].childNodes[1].firstChild.title, 10); } catch (e) { } if (isNaN(value[u - 3])) { value[u - 3] = 0; } } return value; } function getResources(record) { var value = [0, 0, 0, 0]; var res = record.cells[1].textContent.split("\n"); var farm = record.cells[2].innerHTML.split('/'); value[0] = parseInt(res[1].replace(".", ""), 10); value[1] = parseInt(res[2].replace(".", ""), 10); value[2] = parseInt(res[3].replace(".", ""), 10); value[3] = farm[1] - farm[0]; return value; } function getProduced(record) { var value = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var u = 3; u < record.cells.length; u++) { try { value[u - 3] = parseInt(record.cells.childNodes[1].textContent.split("\n")[2], 10); } catch (e) { } if (isNaN(value[u - 3])) { value[u - 3] = 0; } } return value; } if (document.URL.match('screen=train') && document.URL.match('mode=mass')) { var records = document.getElementById('mass_train_table').rows; if (archers) { units = ['spear', 'sword', 'axe', 'archer', 'spy', 'light', 'marcher', 'heavy', 'ram', 'catapult']; unitsNET = ['Spear Fighter', 'Swordsman', 'Axeman', 'Archer', 'Scout', 'Light Cavalry', 'Mounted Archer', 'Heavy Cavalry', 'Ram', 'Catapult']; costs = [[50, 30, 10, 1], [30, 30, 70, 1], [60, 30, 40, 1], [100, 30, 60, 1], [50, 50, 20, 2], [125, 100, 250, 4], [250, 100, 150, 5], [200, 150, 600, 6], [300, 200, 200, 5], [320, 400, 100, 8]]; } else { units = ['spear', 'sword', 'axe', 'spy', 'light', 'heavy', 'ram', 'catapult']; unitsNET = ['Spear Fighter', 'Swordsman', 'Axeman', 'Scout', 'Light Cavalry', 'Heavy Cavalry', 'Ram', 'Catapult']; costs = [[50, 30, 10, 1], [30, 30, 70, 1], [60, 30, 40, 1], [50, 50, 20, 2], [125, 100, 250, 4], [200, 150, 600, 6], [300, 200, 200, 5], [320, 400, 100, 8]]; } for (r = 1; r < records.length; r++) { var subconf = []; var total_costs = [0, 0, 0, 0]; var i; var resources = getResources(records[r]); var queue = getQueue(records[r]); var produced = getProduced(records[r]); for (i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { subconf = configuration - (queue + produced); if (subconf < 0) { subconf = 0; } for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { total_costs[j] += costs[j] * subconf; } }; var factor = arrayMin(linearDivideArray(resources, total_costs)); if (factor > 1.0) { factor = 1.0; } for (i = 0; i < units.length; i++) { var number = subconf * factor; if (number < 0) { number = 0; } if (number != 0) { if (records[r].cells[3 + i].childNodes[3] && records[r].cells[3 + i].childNodes[3].disabled == false) { var ibox = records[r].cells[3 + i].childNodes[3]; try { ibox.value = parseInt(number, 10); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } } } } stop(); } else { alert('Script only works on the mass recruitment page'); }

javascript:function MarketMain(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b)}function getGameDoc(winvar){getdoc=winvar.document;if(!getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')){for(var i=0;i<winvar.frames.length;i++){if(winvar.frames.document.URL.match('game\.php')){getdoc=winvar.frames.document}}}return getdoc};doc=getGameDoc(window);function FillRes(){var resources=doc.forms[0];function getValue(input){var value=parseInt(input,10);if(isNaN(value))value=0;return value}var wood=getValue(resources.wood.value);var clay=getValue(resources.stone.value);var iron=getValue(resources.iron.value);function OKClick(){var arrInputs=resources.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var idx1=0;idx1<arrInputs.length;idx1++){if(arrInputs[idx1].value.indexOf('OK')!=-1){arrInputs[idx1].click();break}}}function insertValues(){var URLargs=doc.URL.split("&");for(var i=0;i<URLargs.length;i++){var args=URLargs.split("=");if(args.length==2){if(args[0]=='wood')wood=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='clay')clay=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='iron')iron=parseInt(args[1])}}insertNumber(resources.wood,wood);insertNumber(resources.stone,clay);insertNumber(resources.iron,iron)}if(wood+clay+iron>0){OKClick()}else{insertValues()}}if(doc.URL.match(/clay=/)||doc.URL.match(/confirm_send/)){FillRes()}else{MarketMain()}
Sålänge det bara är ett skript för en by och inte alla dina byar får du använda ett vanligt duckskript. Alltså ett duckskript för varje by istället för ett globalt ;)