Funny INgame Messages


Lets start with one, If got from my friend.

BrocKnox nov 12, 10:50
You done attacking?

lunkan30 nov 12, 10:50

BrocKnox nov 12, 10:51
So fun to see you lose troops.

lunkan30 nov 12, 10:51
Hahaha XD

BrocKnox nov 12, 10:52
Same for your neigbour that thinks he can kill my militia...

Killed already over 200 lk's of his account.
Didn't kill so much of you but still 114 axes count...

lunkan30 nov 12, 10:56
We can make a deal?
How much of every resours would ju give to me every day if i stop attacking u?
Whats that worth?

BrocKnox nov 12, 10:58
We both know, you will lose more resources and troops so begging wont help.

Militia is overpowered you know...

BrocKnox nov 12, 10:59
And I am getting a lot of premium here so :p Don't like to give away.

IF you ask... TRADING IS still not avaidable so can't send even if i want to

lunkan30 nov 12, 10:59
Okey that ill destroy u :*

BrocKnox nov 12, 11:25
Oh you attacked. Well just another fake on the pile of noobs.


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