DISKUSSION: Classic runda 18 - Julspecial


Boefst sa:
*Krigsbonus innebär att offensiva trupper är dubbelt så starka.
Uh, not according to the world settings.

Source: http://svc1.tribalwars.se/interface.php?func=get_config

If the offensive units had gotten twice as strong it would've affected the attack formula differently than the current settings will. It wouldn't make a huge difference, and no one would probably notice as the ingame simulator would still work according to the world settings (thus match the actual report you'd end up getting), but it doesn't really change the fact that saying the offensive units get twice as strong is, well, wrong.


Well-Known Member
The correct term would be that the defensive units is half as strong as normal. But it's a matter of "is the cup half full or half empty?". I think players think it sounds more interesting with "Krigsbonus" than anything else I could come up with. This is the only way of making offensive troops stronger within a certain time period.


Stor skillnad mellan att offensiva enheter blir x2 i styrka & att deffen förlorar kraft.


Thank you for answering in English, but Swedish would be fine too :)
The correct term would be that the defensive units is half as strong as normal. But it's a matter of "is the cup half full or half empty?".
Not really, no. If I attack a village with 6000 spears and wall lvl 10 with a "nuke" of 6000 axes, I'll normally lose 2391 axes (also assuming my morale is 100%, luck is 0% and all units have tech 1). With the "attack bonus" (-50% defensive strength) activated I would lose 850 axes instead. However, if the bonus had added 100% attack strength to my axes instead, I would have lost 601 axes instead. So there is a difference!

The difference would be even bigger if some of the variables (such as luck and morale) were to be changed.
I think players think it sounds more interesting with "Krigsbonus" than anything else I could come up with.
Agreed, but it makes it no less wrong.

This is the only way of making offensive troops stronger within a certain time period.
Strictly speaking it doesn't really make the offensive units stronger, though. Relatively speaking it does however make them "stronger" in comparison to the defensive units, because the defensive units have gotten weaker. And again, even if it is the only way to seemingly make the offensive units "stronger", claiming it's an attack bonus is still wrong.

Oh and btw; What happens if I attack a barbarian (with troops) while the "attack bonus" is active? Will the barbarian have troops that are halv as strong defensively? I'd be pretty mad if I tried clearing a couple of barbarians during the "attack bonus" only to find that there was in fact no such thing as an "attack bonus", but rather a defense reduction, and that the reduction didn't even apply to barbarians.


Kan du utveckla hur du tänker då?

Thank you for answering in English, but Swedish would be fine too :)

Not really, no. If I attack a village with 6000 spears and wall lvl 10 with a "nuke" of 6000 axes, I'll normally lose 2391 axes (also assuming my morale is 100%, luck is 0% and all units have tech 1). With the "attack bonus" (-50% defensive strength) activated I would lose 850 axes instead. However, if the bonus had added 100% attack strength to my axes instead, I would have lost 601 axes instead. So there is a difference!

The difference would be even bigger if some of the variables (such as luck and morale) were to be changed.

Agreed, but it makes it no less wrong.

Strictly speaking it doesn't really make the offensive units stronger, though. Relatively speaking it does however make them "stronger" in comparison to the defensive units, because the defensive units have gotten weaker. And again, even if it is the only way to seemingly make the offensive units "stronger", claiming it's an attack bonus is still wrong.

Oh and btw; What happens if I attack a barbarian (with troops) while the "attack bonus" is active? Will the barbarian have troops that are halv as strong defensively? I'd be pretty mad if I tried clearing a couple of barbarians during the "attack bonus" only to find that there was in fact no such thing as an "attack bonus", but rather a defense reduction, and that the reduction didn't even apply to barbarians.

De han sa :)

Inte så komplicerat, men du kan ju tänka, ju fullare nuke du har desto mer skada gör den per pop tex. Men snubben förklara de finfint så ja slipper ;)


Jag är med så långt som till den sista simuleringen. Men hur får ni fram att man bara förlorar 601 yxor med 100% attackstyrka? Det finns ju inte någon sådan inställning i simulatorn och att dubbla antalet yxor gav inte mig det resultatet i alla fall.

Jag hade gärna sett din förklaring Henke. ;)

Jag tänker iaf såhär:

Simulerar jag 6k yxor mot 3k spjut med mur i nivå 10 så dör 847 yxor.

Simulerar jag 12k yxor mot 6k spjut med mur i nivå 10 så dör 1687 och det skulle motsvara 844 yxor om det var 6k med dubbel attackstyrka.

Det är i min mening en marginell skillnad som visserligen ökar lite med ökad mur, lycka etc. såsom är påpekat. Men någon attackbonus i sin rätta bemärkelse har vi inte direkt att jobba med.


Mm okej, men såhär.

Du har 20k yxor mot 20k spjut

Halverar du styrkan hos spjuten så de slåss som 10k så dör färre yxor än om du ökade yxornas till 40k för ju fler trupper du samlar ihop, desto bättre slåss de.

Kan testa o slå på de i en kyrkvärld, så ser du att de är skillnad mellan och öka anfallarens poäng & nergradera försvararens.

De du gjorde nu va ju nu bara att dubbla allt, de ska du ju inte göra =P Men du visar iaf poängen att ju fler soldater som samlas, desto bättre går de.

De är okej, man kan inte veta allt såsom jag gör. Vissa vill påstå att solen har sina fläckar, men den skiten tror inte ja på ;)


Jag ser fortfarande inte att det är någon ytterligare faktor som gör skillnaden utöver det jag visade tidigare.

Men om jag förstår dig rätt så tänker du bara på att de jag visade ökar ju högre truppantal man har i varje anfall och då borde det löna sig mer för anfallaren i längden som deffens styrka halveras eftersom du alltid kan trycka in mer deff i en by men inte utöka offen till mer än en maxad nuke.

Nu tänker jag inte på vad som är rätt och fel utan filosoferar bara kring vad skillnaderna skulle kunna vara på en förändrad off-faktor eller deff-faktor.